The VET frameworks at school have had a productive start to the year, with many projects coming into fruition. Students theoretical skills, and newly acquired WHS knowledge is now being put into practice with a variety of tasks and projects around the College.
Luca and Blake (Year 11) working on the assembly of electrical components in their Electrotechnology class
Aaron, Issac and Zane pushing a heavy load of concrete for their Year 12 Construction concreting competency
Zane, Sabian and Finley mixing concrete for the school garden bed slab
Issac at Fitness Workplacement with Tweed Movement Health and Fitness Club
Hospitality students Taj, James and Mitch have completed their first practical activity
Additionally, the Business Services class has been working on office WHS considerations and producing simple business documents. They will soon have Work Placement opportunities where their skills will be used in real office scenarios. The Entertainment Industry class have been working on many College productions during Term 1 and provided Audio and Lighting for St Joseph’s Day and Open Evening. They are currently working towards the technical requirements for a combined Drama play which will take place in early Term 3.
Much gratitude goes out to the teachers of these VET courses, who work tirelessly to provide quality and realistic training opportunities for our students.
This year we have four new Year 11 SBAT students who are already out and working with their employers. We also have students confirmed in Community Pharmacy and Engineering Fabrication. The pictured students have been lucky enough to obtain School Based Apprenticeships in the Construction, Automotive and Electrical trades. Congratulations!
L-R: Blake - Construction/Carpentry; Dylan - Light Vehicle Mechanical; William - Electrical; and Kaleb - Construction/Carpentry
Mr Jesse Carroll
Leader of VET/SBAT