Chess Competition

St Joseph’s College Chess Club Wins 3.5 vs 0.5 in Round 2

On Thursday 6 May, Richmond River High hosted the second round of NSW Country Secondary Schools Knock-out Chess Competition. SJC was represented by Thomas Mills (Year 9), Peter Navin (Year 9), Charlie Kerr (Year 11) and Seana Connolly (Year 10).

Tom was our number one player who had the longest and toughest game. His game lasted over an hour with Tom gaining the advantage and ended in a draw, due to a mistaken check-mate. Peter, Charlie and Seana all won their games and this demonstrates the depth of the talent in the chess club. With a 3.5-0.5 result, we are still in the tournament and look forward to Round 3 with anticipation.

Tom, Peter, Charlie and Seana should be congratulated on their sportsmanship and how well they represented St Joseph's College.

Mrs Ana Chevalier